Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

triple strike

Self Tuning Tripple Strike

Dear Trader,

What if you could trade a system that had the ability to adjust your trading signals based on current market conditions?

A system that actually looked at what was going on RIGHT NOW and made little tweaks on ideal entry and exit – giving you immediate live feedback on what was happening RIGHT NOW, as if you had a 25 year Forex veteran whispering in your ear.

A SELF TUNING Forex system that adapted to immediate changes in market conditions with the ability to FILTER OUT the noise that causes most traders to fall flat on their faces..

A Self Tuning System That Produced
Perfect Trades Consistently.

What is a perfect trade, and what would say 10 perfect trades look like?

First of all 10 perfect trades would include a couple of losers. Even a loser can be perfect, understand that right now.

A perfect trade is one that looks at price range, swing structure and extensions or retracements from a market swing.

There is just 1 combination of tools to do this effectively.

Bollinger bands, Market Swings and Fibonacci Tools

The trick is how to use them in sync to create trigger entry and exit signals that bring to the surface highly profitable low risk trades.

There can be no argument that these 3 tools, Bollinger bands, Price Swings and Fibonacci Retracements and Extensions are THE PREMIER TOOLS for the most advanced trading systems on the planet.

So how do we combine them to produce unprecedented HIGH PROFIT TRADES?

Please read this letter because its not a pitch its just the facts, and if you "get it" you will be able to enter and exit the Forex market with the accuracy you read about in the most fascinating stories on the magazine racks!s

Get ready to play your part in those stories that fascinate the masses. Stories of traders living in glass house on the beaches of Spain who trade the Forex market and make fortunes trading their highly coveted systems that produce HUGE profits every week!

Stock Market to Forex

For the last 6 months I have been in the stock market less and less, because the signals and triggers are less and less reliable. I find I do a lot of waiting, because I’am only interested in the HIGHEST odds trading set-ups.

Problem is, these set-ups are harder and harder to come by.

Don’t get me wrong this happens often in the stock market, where we reach a pivotal zone, where price can go either way, and therefore the HIGHEST ODDS set-ups are fewer and fewer.

The markets traverse sideways and trace out a long wait for a great set-up.

It’s just a cycle I’ve seen many times that will pass, as it always does.

It’s during these times that I find myself wandering over to the Forex section of my think or swim platform.

A Simple Amazing Discovery

Recently, while in wait, I stumbled upon something on a USD/JPY chart that was rather amazing.

I had been watching the USD/JPY with some interest and just began to, as anyone would, attempt to identify potential entries and exits.

It’s nothing I hadn't’t done before, but this time I actually zeroed in on something exciting.

I began to draw some lines and create some signals and triggers, making notes about where I would enter and when I would exit.

I don’t know what drew me to the USD/JPY but there was some nice movement and some very predictable swings that where literally handing me huge amounts of profits over and over again.

All With Little to No Loss

After carefully evaluating dozens of indicators I ended up with a set of rules that used the following;

  1. Price
  2. Swing Lows, and Highs (Daily / 15 minute)
  3. Bollinger bands
  4. Fibonacci Retracements and Extensions.

That’s it - 3 Powerful Indicators and Price Action!

After 3 weeks I had a rough draft of my “THEORY” and all of the entry and exit details. To say the results were exciting is an understatement.

I still had work to do but even the basic concepts were promising across the board. I tried all of the Forex pairs and found fantastic results.

A Self Tuning System

My goal wasn't just to create a system that worked now, my goal was to create one that would self adjust so that it worked 2 years from equally as well.

Entry and Exit Signals That Were Dynamic
Based on Current Market Conditions

A system that had a set of rules that one could apply that allowed the triggers and signals to vary based on current conditions.

Was it possible to create a system that could account for a lack of real movement or false signals, a system that could avoid loss during a consolidation period and be ready for a big move right when it occurs?

YES -I discovered that by using 3 powerhouse indicators in a unique manner this could be done with amazing accuracy with a very low risk threshold.

To accomplish this a system had to consider price, swings and volatility. It had to look at price history but also consider any substantial increase in FUTURE volatility.

Seems complicated, but its not...

  • Price
  • Swings
  • Volatility

There's no question that it could be done, but ideally the system would pinpoint these set-ups where everything didn't just line up, but lined up at a substantial pivot. This is the backbone to this killer method.

  • Trigger at a substantial pivot

While crafting the system I imagined in my mind’s eye a serpentine belt like the ones they put on newer cars today, ever heard of one of those? Today every car has one.

A single belt that runs everything under the hood of your car. Its one big belt that makes its way around you’re a/c unit water pump crank shaft and alternator.

They used to use like 4 belts to do it all, but these days they twist and turn and manage the same workings with just one belt.

The key to making it work, and easy to replace is this tension arm that has some sort of spring loaded device that pushes a pulley against the belt tightly - the same amount of pressure all the time - SELF ADJUSTING.

Serpentine Belt

Without the tensioner, the belt wouldn't’t work. With it, the belt always has the same tension.

This way the belt can expand or contract but the tension on the belt remains the same.

It’s a self adjusting system
– So how can we apply this to Forex and create a self adjusting, almost auto tuning Forex trading system?

I'm not talking about an automated system because they don’t work,
trust me. I'm talking about a self adjusting system, one that adjusts to current conditions.

A Self Adjusting System That Automatically
Changes Your Entry and Exit Based on Current
Market Conditions!

Now stay with me a second this is important…

I began to think that there must be a way to apply a set of rules to trading Forex that operated in the same fashion – SELF ADJUSTING to market changes.

A system that looked at market swings, volatility, pivots, and current price action and was able to ADJUST to current conditions for every trade.

So I asked myself…

What if there was a way to trade the Forex markets with a system that tuned itself to current market conditions no matter what UPHEAVAL the markets were in?

A system that was trained to watch market swings, volatility and key pivot zones and pinpoint not just the ideal entry and stop, but guide you like a guardian angel to a clean and profitable exit!

Guide You Like a Guardian Angel to a
Clean and Profitable Exit!

I know it sounds to good to be true, but it was a good place to start. It had to be complicated in theory and simple in application.

Complicated In Theory Simple In Application

This way all the “Other guys” wouldn’t figure it out, but - we could apply the methods with little effort, and little complication.

It had to be something that couldn’t be programmed on a computer, otherwise everyone would use a computer to do it and that would destroy the system. (Eventually.)

Why Most Systems Fail

Most Forex systems focus on a single indicator or set of indicators that fail to look at the BIG picture and fail to consider what to do when your wrong about a trade.

What to do when your wrong must be a part of your initial strategy when you enter.

In order for a trading method to work for the long term it needs to accomplish 2 important tasks...

1. Consider a broader view of a particular time frame relative to the one your trading, with a careful analysis of swing structure.

2. Pinpoint a high probability entry and stop that substantially reduces overall risk so that you take on only a fraction of the risk that most traders take.

A Fraction Of The Risk

It needs to do much more actually but this is what most systems lack. This is why most systems work for a time but eventually fail.

THE BIG PICTURE if you will, relative to right now - THE PRESENT PICTURE, - AND a very specific entry and stop that cuts risk by 75-80%.

Reduce Risk By 75-80%

To be honest with you I have never found ANY SYSTEM with the characteristics I'm about to demonstrate to you here.

When you combine these 2 concepts with the powerful techniques we cover using Bollinger bands, Fibonacci zones and swing highs and lows, you get a formula for trading Forex that is unsurpassed.

A Formula That is Unsurpassed

Just recently we found this trade using one of the Bollinger band signals as well as identifying a substantial price pivot zone.


This trade was identified using one of the 3 Bollinger band entries, and with a careful look at swing structure we knew there would be significant profit. Additionally this is a substantial zone for re-entry long if we were wrong.Entry

We entered short on the next candlestick.

Next as price went against us a little we considered an exit but Bollinger bands gave us a clear signal to hold tight.

One thing you will learn in with the triple strike method is how to interpret Bollinger bands in some amazing ways.

For example. Right here price made its way down as expected and began to reverse. With an oversold stochastic's below we might be inclined to exit right here and take a small profit.

However with Bollinger bands slightly expanding while price action is still below the mean tells us that the move may not be over just yet.

This gives us the confidence to hold off on our exit for just a bit. :-)

The Subtle Insight That Makes The Difference
Between Mediocrity and Riches.

It took but a candlestick or two to determine that Bollinger bands did not mislead, but instead once again provided keen insight.Bollinger  bands

The red arrow is where we felt we might exit but as you can see the subtle hints from Bollinger bands allowed us to press on.

While most people will be using stochastic's to confirm their exit you will discover in the manual and 10 bonus videos that an oversold stochastic's and your secret signals will be providing you with the largest high profit trades you will ever make.

We finally exited the trade for an unbelievable profit below.

This trade was on a daily chart monitored periodically on a 15 minute chart with an exit almost 2 months after entry. HUGELY PROFITABLE LARGE MOVE TRADE!

The same results can be achieved on a 5 or 15 minute chart as well.

Simple Steps To An Extra $53,280


A System That Works Like Magic For Those That Are Willing To Take The Time To Master The Fundamentals

This works like magic for a couple of reasons, one of which is the fact that it’s not easy.

If you think making the kind of money you can make with such a system will be imparted overnight you can stop right here because I don’t want to mislead you.

Beating the Forex pro’s isn’t an easy task but it is possible. It’s not just possible, its probable when you learn these techniques, so please listen.

This may or may not be for you, but I promise you that by the time you finish this letter you will know one way or the other.

Again this system is not easy, and this is exactly why everyone IS NOT doing it.

An Important Barrier to Entry

In the business world they call this the “Barrier to entry” – it is what keeps the competition from jumping in with you, and taking business away from you.

In this case, copying your methods and destroying your ability to take endless cash from the markets day in and day out.

A barrier to entry is a critical component.

If you buy a product from china for $1 and you buy 1 million pieces, again at $1.00 and everyone else pays $1.75. Your barrier to entry is that you buy in such bulk that you beat the competition - you can sell it cheaper and thereby sell the most.

Maybe you have a secret family recipe for delicious chicken. Your barrier to entry is that secret - no one else knows it - That was Colonel Sanders barrier to entry long ago.

In this case your “Barrier to entry” is the fact that not everyone can do it. It requires a little set-up and understanding and that alone removes 70% of the Forex traders.

70% Of All Forex Traders Can't Do It - Can You?

I Guarantee You Can. I Will Teach Just 300 And Then I Will Shut It Down For Good As I Always Have On Anything I Have Ever Sold In The Past.

Most people are looking for the easy way out. The easy way to fame and fortune, very few want to work for it.

Would you be willing to do a little work for the shot at a small fortune? A small fortune where you take just a fraction of the risk that most people are forced to take?

Your Risk Will Be Reduced By Leaps and Bounds

YES others can trade Forex, but with the tools and knowledge I'm about to impart to you, they certainly won’t be trading Forex like you - they will take on much more risk on every trade.

So ask yourself right now. Do you want to be a highly profitable Forex trader who has the ability to command almost unlimited profits in the most liquid market in the world?

Are you willing to take the time to understand a system that combines price action information in such a way that you can trade any Forex pair, quite like a game of chess where your strategy is one that wins time and time again?

The good news is I believe I have simplified this in a way that will allow anyone with the common sense enough to GO on a green light, and STOP on a red to understand and apply these methods in a snap.

Go  on green STOP on red.

If the image above seems confusing then this might not be for you. :-)

You are going to discover how to Master the triple strike system with a very straight forward 4 part system that goes like this.

1. Swing structure big picture - This is where we determine the pairs overall ability to pay the kind of money we want to make. Ill show you what to avoid here as well as what to look for in overall swing structure.

2. Pivotal Price Zones - The most important part to this system is reducing risk by huge amounts. Literally turning bad trades into profitable ones 70% of the time. Imagine your profit picture if you were to take your last 10 losers and turn them into high profit trades. ADD that to the profitable ones, and you have SLASHED RISK ENORMOUSLY.

Do the math.

3. Bollinger bands - Most of you know that next to John Bollinger I'm the king of Bollinger bands. On you tube if you search Bollinger bands my video is #1. In that video I reveal a lot of what I'll cover with you in this material. Bollinger bands provides the subtle clues as to the end of a trend, the beginning of a new one and its a fantastic confirmation tool.

4. Fibonacci Zones - Price retracements and extensions tend to reach or retrace to a few key areas time and time again. So predictable in fact are these areas that a trading system could be built around this alone. You will learn to use Fibonacci levels as an important confluence tool to confirm your entries as well as your exits.

Let me ask you this…

Are You Tired Of Forex Trades
Going The Other Way?

How many times have you jumped in on a trade, only to have the trade go against you instantly?

It seems as though the market is waiting for you to get in, so IT can go the OTHER way.

Truth is, this actually means you almost have it. You’re half way there. You understand the psychology of trading; you just have it BACKWARDS that’s all.

With trading, some of you know that the exit is truly more significant than the entry and when you see the how well this system guides you to your exit you’re going to be pleasantly surprised.

Guided Right To A Perfect Exit As If It Was A
Fire Escape In BIG BOLD RED Letters!

As I said earlier a clean profitable exit as just as important as a precise entry. If you get into a trade and it begins to do what you want it to, (you will get used to this feeling in short order.) your screwed if you lack a specific strategy for your exit.

Remember you don't make money until you make your escape. Your exit is everything. Below is an exit we use where Bollinger bands so clearly tells us to GET OUT. Take a look at how clean this exit was.

Here's a shot of USD/CAD

This exit is one where Bollinger bands shines. We get the extended move to the downside with some hesitation and then the lower band not only flattens out but begins to hook up.

Bollinger bands was quite complimentary on the entry as well, but we'll get into that in the manual.

Big Payoff?

There is a little work involved in mastering these concepts but let me tell you the payoff is huge.

Don’t forget, the foreign currency markets trade 24/5 that means 24 hrs. a day 5 days a week. The advantage is that you can trade anytime and technically speaking this market is 10 times more responsive than any stock or ETF.

When you apply the triple strike method as described the results are outstanding.

Just learn the techniques and follow the step by step instructions.


If you look at a chart, ANY CHART. You will be able to see one of the most important pieces to a solid, highly profitable trading system.

These appear on any time frame and represent the buying and selling activity for that Forex pair. These we call price swings they look like this.


Notice how long the runs are between swings. This is important.

These swings represent a push and base in price action. Others have called it a run and a consolidation.

Its simply price moving up or down, and then pulling back for a time or reversing, taking back a small piece of the original move.

The key to leveraging this visual plethora of information is in recognizing strength and weakness.

Let me show you what I mean and then let me tell you how we use this information as a solid base for making an absolute killing when we apply our other components.

You see every swing structure is going to have 1 of 4 bias's. Either bullish, bearish, flat or transitioning. So the first step is to identify this and build your trade around it.

Bullish, Bearish, Flat, Transitioning

Problem is you won't always be right and that's why we will only build these trades around pivotal price reversal zones.

So exciting.

No one has ever taught this in my entire 10 years of trading.

Anyway the other key is that we will identify LOTS OF areas where a transition is likely or possible and rather than react to it we use other tools to confirm it.


Check out the confirmed entry.

Entry 8

Confirmed higher swing low with a Bollinger band pivot zone as well as a completed 50% Fibs. retracement before our long trigger.

Entry 9

Notice how price is moving DOWN DOWN DOWN, then rather than making a new low, RIGHT here price can do 1 of 2 things. It can continue down and make a NEW lower swing low OR it can reverse right here and transition up.

The reason this particular zone is important is because its about half way from the high and low of the 2 green dots. (A 50-61.8% Fibs. retracement level.)

This would be an excellent place for price to start a new trend up. No need to PREDICT price action, all you need is the knowledge of this important zone - and use a trigger to enter once the transition is confirmed.

There is much more to consider right now, if it were this easy of course it wouldn't work, but this is the first thing you will discover inside.

Only The next Candlestick Gave Confirmation of A Higher Swing Low And Gave A Clear Signal That A
Trade May Be At Hand!

Then when we get the signal we identify the trigger. Remember a signal is just that, a signal it doesn't mean we are going to trade. As you see we got our confirmation and clear precise entry.

A Zone of Transition- The Critical LOW RISK Entry, As Well As A Precise Exit.


We used a pivotal transition for our signal we identified our low risk trigger entry, we then rode the trade to a Bollinger band swing violation exit. - Another step by step perfect trade.

Imagine The Potential...

So what can you expect from such a powerful system?

Lets jump forward in the future because I want you to understand the potential here. Lets say it’s 90 days from now and you have mastered all of the 4 parts to the system. You have lets say 3 Forex pairs that you watch closely on a daily chart and or a 15 minute chart.

You understand perfectly how to identify LOW RISK, HIGH PROFIT trades, identify the signal, and pin-point a nice low risk trigger.

You have mastered your ability to gauge the potential move based on swing structure and you understand perfectly how to find a pivotal price zone.

You can not only enter trades with amazing accuracy, you also have an incredible talent in TARGETING clean precise profitable exits.

Your loss's are so minimal that when one finally comes its almost funny! You accept any loss with a smile because lets face it you have to lose sometimes.

You have mastered the TRIPLE STRIKE method and it's just the beginning.

The New You - With A New Skill Set
That Takes A Little Money and Turns
It Into A Lot of Money!

I'm not one to blow smoke because I believe I have laid out the facts and clearly explained to you how with this step by step approach, you can nail prefect trades time and time again.

I have shown you how this system works and proven the concepts to you clearly.

You likely are feeling the impulse that YES maybe I can do this and maybe I can finally learn a system that truly tunes itself and can actually work for me time and time again.

Whether you want to make a living, increase your retirement account or just increase your monthly income these sound principles will help you achieve your goals.

This offer will be open for a limited time so if you would like to join a small group of average people that take BIG Forex profits without the risk the rest of the participants take, than make sure you use the link below to get instant access to the manual and 10 bonus videos.

Your 100% NO RISK Guarantee
30 Day FREE Trial

Try the triple strike method for a full 30 days and see for yourself that not only does it work exactly as described but you can master the skills necessary on your own without follow up from me personally.

In other words you don't need me to fill in the gaps the videos and manual cover every detail in perfect sequence. Discover the power of the system risk free for a full 30 days or get all your money back without question.

In fact I will make this so easy for you that with every purchase I will email you a guarantee card made just for you. If you AT ANY TIME feel that this system is not exactly what you expected just send me your guarantee card and you don't even need to say a word. My staff knows exactly what to do. Here's a sample of the card you will receive in your email right after you purchase.

You get this card right after you purchase. Simply email it to us to get a 100% refund NO QUESTIONS ASKED!